Pegasus RC Flying Club, Inc.
Planes, Jets, Helicopters and Drones
Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc. Bylaws
AMA Club #2573
Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc. Bylaws
AMA Club #2573
Article 1. Name:
The name of the organization shall be “The Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc.”
Article 2. The purpose of the organization shall be:
a. To acquire and maintain a suitable flying site for the safe operation of radio controlled aircraft for its members and their guests.
b. To promote the growth of organized model aviation.
c. To provide basic instruction in the building and safe operation of model aircraft.
d. To provide an opportunity for social interaction among its members.
Article 3. Membership will be open to anyone holding a current AMA membership.
a. Membership requirements for current members:
- Must have paid their dues for the year by March 1st of the current year.
Failure to do so, or failure to notify the club treasurer of any hardship,shall result in immediate suspension of all club privileges and the member will be dropped from the club roster. - Must have proof of a current AMA membership on file with the club.
- Must have a current FCC license if operating on the 6 meter band.
- Must have completely filled out a Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc. membership application for the current year.
- Upon turning 18, the junior member shall pay regular dues.
- All members must provide 4 hours of service time to the club each year.
- All members shall abide by current AMA and Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc. safety regulations.
b. Membership requirements for new applicants:
- Must pay dues as set by the executive board.
- Must have proof of AMA membership.
- Must have a sponsor from the current membership of the club.
- Must have completed a 180 day probationary period after initial application and acceptance by the club.
- Prospective members under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian who is a member of the Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc.
- New members must be voted into the club by a simple majority of the members present at any given regular monthly meeting.
c. Guests
- All members are responsible for their guest’s actions at the field or meetings.
- All guests shall comply with AMA and Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc. field regulations when at the field. Members shall be responsible for informing their guests of these regulations.
- Guests shall be allowed three visits as a guest to the field. After this, the guest must apply for membership to the club.
Article 4. Dues:
a. The executive board must provide the members with a written budget by the April meeting.
b. Dues will be set by the current executive board using the budget as a guideline with approval by the membership.
c. Hardship cases will be handled by the executive board in a discrete manner.
d. New members may be given a pro-rated amount set by the executive board after the flying season has started.
e. Additional fees must be proposed at the regular monthly meeting, published in the newsletter, and voted on at the following monthly meeting.
Article 5. Officers and Executive Board:
a. Any member in good standing is eligible to be a club officer. He may not be an elected official of any other model airplane club.
b. The elected officers will include:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Executive Board – three members in good standing
c. Appointed officers shall include:
- Safety Officer
- Field Marshal
- Public Relations Officer
- Events Chairman
d. The executive board shall consist of:
- President
- Vice President
- Three elected members in good standing
e. Term of office:
- All candidates for office shall be nominated and seconded for office at the regularly scheduled February meeting. In case of cancelled meeting, the nominations will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. This will cause the elections to be pushed back one month.
- Elections will be held at the regularly scheduled March meeting. In case of a cancelled meeting, the elections will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- The terms of the elected officers shall commence with the meeting the month after the elections in order to facilitate a smooth turnover of information to the incoming officers.
- The term of office for all offices except treasurer shall be one year.
- The treasurer shall serve a two year term.
- If for some reason an officer cannot fulfill his complete term, the president shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- There will be an audit of the books immediately after the treasurer’s term has expired.
- Any officer that misses more than four meetings in a fiscal year will be dismissed from office automatically.
Article 6. Votes:
a. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot. They shall be created and handed out by the secretary. They shall be counted by
two volunteers at the meeting.
b. Motions at the meeting shall be seconded and voted on by a raise of hands.
c. Any changes to the bylaws shall be seconded at the meeting, published in the newsletter, and voted on at the following meeting. After the two readings, the motion requires a two-thirds vote to pass.
Article 7. Meetings:
a. Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the first Monday of each month and may be cancelled only by the president or
executive board.
b. Special meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the executive board.
c. A specific quorum will not be deemed necessary to conduct business at regular monthly meetings.
Article 8. Regular Business:
a. All club business will be conducted at the regularly scheduled meetings.
b. The officers will meet when deemed necessary for a board meeting.
c. The officers are empowered to make expenditures up to the limits of the budget allowance for any one item without membership approval. All expenditures must be reported at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
d. Business at the meetings may be conducted in an informal, but orderly manner.
e. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used to govern the Pegasus RC Flying Club Inc.